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Team Development | consulting services

We facilitate high quality conversations in teams.

Our approach to team development is based on the Team Management Systems tools, supported by an action-learning framework that answers the questions:

  • Why is it so? (describe team issues and problems)
  • What do we intend to achieve? (define team vision and goals)
  • Who are we? (diagnose team values and attitudes)
  • How will we get there? (develop team skills, processes and tools)

The 'why and what' dimension creates the directional focus on what the team does not want (issues and problems) and what it does want (vision and goals). The 'who and how' dimension creates the learning focus on what the team cares about (values and attitudes) and what the team knows (skills, processes and tools).

The benefit of our approach is in the systemic integration of the four key elements that demand cooperative and collaborative behaviour when people move from individual job role contribution to collective team role contribution. The learning by doing aspects of our approach ensure that the team achieves early success in the projects that it tackles.


©2003 Cognition Associates Pty Ltd